Field Dialogue on 4Fs in Indonesia

In partnership with the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Daemeter and the University of Palangkaraya (UNPAK), The Forests Dialogue (TFD) hosted a field dialogue on Food, Fuel, Fiber and Forests (4Fs) in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Based on the progress made from the scoping and Brazil field dialogues, the Indonesia field dialogue aimed to bridge the forest and agriculture sectors, with palm oil and pulp and paper taking the primary focus at the Indonesia Dialogue. Working from small to large scale and ranging on key challenges from local to global landscapes, participants developed insights into the challenges of land and water use, intensification of forestry and farming, conserving forest values and safeguarding ecosystem services all in the backdrop of meeting the needs of a rapidly growing global population. TFD’s 4Fs Initiative aimed to establish specific and practical ways forward on key issues, and pursue ways forward collaboratively with stakeholders in Indonesia and around the world.
The dialogue, which took place in and around Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan, brought together around 25 international and 35 Indonesian experts from food, biomass, forest, and conservation sectors. During the first two days of the dialogue, participants explored oil palm plantations, small-scale mining areas, community conservation projects, rubber plantations, peat land rehabilitation areas and fish villages near Palangkaraya. While in the field, participants engaged with local farmers, Indigenous community members, researchers, companies and government representatives in Central Kalimantan. Based on the field trip learnings, the facilitated dialogue continued for an additional two days via a dynamic and interactive plenary and small group process. The recommendations and conclusions from the dialogue were be used to help support further dialogue in Central Kalimantan on these key issues and inform TFD’s 4Fs Initiative going forward. The results were be presented at CIFOR’s Forests Asia Forum in April, the UNFCC in Peru in December as well as in a variety of other fora.
Photos from the Dialogue can be found here.