Former Staff
Breanna Lujan
Tyler Gibson Tyler is a rising first year Masters of Environmental Management student at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. Prior to joining Yale and TFD, Tyler spent two years working at blue moon fund, an endowed philanthropic foundation in Charlottesville, Virginia, where he worked on both bmf’s climate change and conservation grant-making programs in geographies ranging from Peru to China. During his time at bmf, Tyler developed an interest in innovative business and financial models that can be used for sustainable development in the developing world, particularly those that simultaneously improve livelihoods and environmental outcomes, and he hopes to further explore these issues at Yale. Previously, Tyler was a research assistant at the Wilson Center’s China Environment Forum, where he examined the challenges posed by the water-energy nexus in China. Originally from Houston, Texas, Tyler has a BA in International Politics and Economics from Middlebury College in Vermont. Tyler speaks Chinese and Spanish and is an avid traveler, soccer fan, and music enthusiast. You can find him on Twitter at @TylerGibson. Anna Finke
Akiva Fishman
Xiaoting Hou
Former Program Manager, TFD
![]() Xiaoting received her B.A. in Environment Science and Accounting from Fudan University, China; and her M.A in Environment Management from Yale University. She has broad interests and research background in a variety of sustainable development issues ranging from industrial ecology and wetland conservation to the impact of climate change on developing countries. In between her studies, Xiaoting has held various positions with local EPAs, NGOs and business consulting companies in China which built the foundation for her strong program management skills. She has been leading TFD’s Forests and Climate Change Initiative since 2009 and was managing all TFD’s initiatives as well as its finance.
Marisa Camargo
Forests and Climate Change Specialist at Indufor, Finland
“Ever since I graduated from FES I have been working with forests and climate issues e.g. REDD+, which require comprehensive multi-stakeholder dialogues. The experience I gathered in TFD has been extremely important for my current job. As a consequence, I will hopefully be able to contribute to more inclusive international policies.”
Qian Fang
Environmental consultant
After working in Shanghai, China for a year, Qian Fang moved back to the United States, where he now works in and environmental consulting firm based in New Jersey. Qian states, “Organizing TFD’s first China dialogue gave me a valuable opportunity to understand China’s forest development/policy, to meet people from various forest-related sectors and to use my environmental knowledge, connection with China and communication skills to achieve something very meaningful.”
![]() Benjamin Fryer graduated from Yale Law School and the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies in 2013. Prior to coming to Yale he was a volunteer in the Peace Corps’ rural development program in Nicaragua, where he helped form two village credit unions and supported youth business development. He holds a B.A. in Political Science from UC Berkeley.
![]() Nara was a student in the Masters of Environmental Management Program at Yale. She is interested in sustainable forest management and the way in which it reflects characteristics (social, cultural, etc) of each region in developing countries. Prior to coming to Yale, she was a KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) volunteer in the Dominican Republic and managed a reforestation project that contributes to local community members’ incomes. She also conducted research on Non-Timber Forest Products in Mexico. Nara received her BA in Forest Science from Konkuk University, South Korea.
James Leslie
“After completing my degree at FES, I accepted a position with UNDP in Peru. I am currently the environment and energy focal point and manage a rapidly expanding project portfolio related to climate change, biodiversity conservation and access to clean energy. Through my experience with TFD, I witnessed the value of creating a space for senior stakeholder representatives to establish a shared agenda around emerging forest issues. I saw the dialogues’ value as contributing to political will and strategic visioning that motivate concerted action on the ground.”
Brian Milakovsky
Fulbright Fellow, Ukraine
“From September 2009-June 2010 I am doing a Fulbright project on the protection of biodiversity in managed forests of Ukraine. I work at forest management units around the country helping to delineate critical habitat areas. After this I hope to pursue similar work in the US, Canada and Eastern Europe.
Working at The Forests Dialogue was a great chance to work with Russian NGOs and forest companies, explore issues of social sustainability in forestry, and generally develop my skills at
organizing international work. Through my experience at the Dialogue in Syktyvkar, Russia, I got a much better understanding of socioeconomic conditions in rural Russia. This has certainly helped me in my subsequent work in Eastern Europe.”
Hannah Murray
Program Manager, Katoomba Group/Forest Trends
“My time at TFD gave me the opportunity to meet and learn from leaders in the forestry and forest policy sectors. It was a great way to learn about the latest developments in the field and emerge with a global perspective on these issues. I am confident that my work at TFD was instrumental in my gaining a job working on international forest policy in Washington, DC.”
![]() Geofrey Mwanjela is currently the Programme Officer for WWF – Coastal East Africa Initiative that operates in Tanzania, Kenya and Mozambique. Prior to WWF, Geofrey worked for the Tanzania Natural Resource Forum as Head of Programmes. He holds Masters of Environmental Management (M.E.M) from School of Forestry and Environmental Studies (F&ES), Yale University. While at Yale, Geofrey worked for the Forests Dialogue as Program Assistant and engaged in convening REDD+ Readiness Dialogues for Ghana, Brazil and Guatemala.
Jaimini Parekh
Jaimini is a student in the Masters of Environmental Management Program at Yale. She is interested in how human rights can be used as a policy instrument for promoting greater human dignity and sustainability. Prior to coming to Yale, she worked as an AmeriCorps VISTA Volunteer with the Program for Torture Victims in Los Angeles where she focused on resource development. She has also worked on urban poverty issues in Oakland, CA and human rights issues in New Delhi, India. She holds a B.S. in Society and Environment from the University of California, Berkeley.
Pablo Peña
Pablo was a student in the Masters of Environmental Management Program at Yale. He is interested in the relationship between policy and tropical forest management and conservation in developing countries. Prior to coming to Yale, Pablo worked as an environmental lawyer at the Peruvian Society for Environmental Law for more than four years. His work there focused on implementing conservation policy projects mainly related to protected areas governance, land conservation and forestry in the Peruvian Amazon region. He has ample experience moving forward policy and legislation for conservation with stakeholders at different scales, from local communities to government officials. Pablo is a Lawyer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
Ana Karla Perea
Ana Karla Perea is a candidate for the Master of Environmental Management degree at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. She is interested in topics such as international forest policy and governance. The last four years she worked at the National Forest Commission of Mexico managing research and development projects financed by the National Forest Commission and the National Council for Science and Technology.
Tais Pinhero Taís is a student in the Masters of Environmental Management Program at Yale. She is interested in assisting companies toimprove their performance as well as reducing social and environmental impact, on the perspective of industrial symbioses. Prior to coming to Yale, she worked with Corporate Environmental Management Planning and Solid Waste Management. She also has diverse experience on the semi-arid region of Brazil with small communities that live below the poverty line. Taís is an Agricultural and Environmental Engineer from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE), Brazil. |
Sarah Price
Head of Projects & Development Unit, PEFC International
“I had the opportunity to work with TFD while pursuing a Masters in Forest Science at Yale University. During that period I worked extensively on TFD’s illegal logging and poverty reduction initiatives. The knowledge gained, exposure current to international forest policy developments, and the opportunity to interact with a wide range of international experts added significant value and relevance to my studies.”
Stella Zucchetti Schons
Recent graduate of Yale’s F&ES program and School of Management
“Prior to coming to Yale, I constantly heard the term “multistakeholder involvement” come up in the project I worked at. At TFD I had the opportunity of finding out exactly what that term means and actually participating in such type of process, an experience I could not have gotten in any of the classes taught at FES. And that is one of the points of relevance of TFD being hosted by FES, besides the role of speakers and contact brought to the school through the TFD channel. I am not only an admirer of what TFD does, but also a believer of its work.”
Denise graduated from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies in 2012 with a Masters in Environmental Management (MEM) with a focus on forest management, agriculture and plant physiology. Denise has experience working both in the non-profit as well as in the for-profit sectors where she has dedicated part of her time organizing community seminars on mangrove restoration. Prior to enrolling in the master’s program, Denise received her BA in Environmental Studies with a focus on industrial ecology from Yale University. While with TFD, Denise managed the Initiaitves on Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) and Genetically Modified (GM) Trees.
Anna Tikina
Adjunct Professor - Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia
“I am currently an Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia. The TFD work brought me understanding how the means of communication differ among individuals, and how motivated professionals (whose opinions differ) can work together for a single goal. Having met representatives of many organizations during the dialogue, I was later hired by a company that participated in the TFD.”