The Land Use Dialogues (LUDs)

The Land Use Dialogue (LUD) is a dialogue process that supports multi-stakeholder decision making around key socio-environmental and ecological issues at the landscape level. The global initiative and community of practice is coordinated by The Forests Dialogue and implemented by partners at regional, national, and landscape levels.
The LUD approach is designed to support multi-stakeholder processes for collaborative, adaptive, land management across sectors. The LUD is founded on the premise that through dialogue, people and institutions can create more sustainable, locally-driven, and durable solutions to landscape challenges as part of a landscape approach.
Rather than orchestrating a single dialogue focused on a specific issue, the LUD approach supports the implementation of a long-term process, led by landscape actors, based in a culture of dialogue and collaborative decision-making. While each LUD process is unique and based in the specific landscape context and needs of landscape actors, they share the following overarching aims:
- support a social learning process across sectors;
- generate a landscape vision shared amongst an inclusive set of landscape actors;
- identify prioritized actions that feed into planned or ongoing governance processes on the ground.
For more information on the approach, principles and process of the Land Use Dialogue, see the Land Use Dialogue Guide: Dialogue as a tool for landscape approaches to environmental challenges.
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The Land Use Dialogue Guide is an implementer’s guide but not in the sense of do x,y,z to achieve some outcome.

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