Brazil Land Use Dialogues

The first LUD was launched in the Upper Itajai Valley of Santa Catarina in 2016, hosted by Apremavi (Association for the Preservation of the Environment and Life) in collaboration with The Brazilian Forests Dialogue and IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature). Since this initial meeting, the Upper Itajai Valley LUD platform has met multiple times, organized a regional working group, developed a map of priority areas, built an information sharing database, and established a joint restoration project.
As a result, the LUD process has been adopted by The Brazilian Forests Dialogue for expansion throughout key landscapes and their associated regional forums. In 2019 the second Brazilian LUD landscape process was established through a Scoping LUD held in the Endemism Center of Belem of the Amazon region. The LUD, led by The Brazilian Forests Dialogue and Conservation International, seeks to address sustainable use of the areas valuable resources to generate job opportunities and income for local people while protecting the rich biodiversity of the area. The third Brazilian LUD landscape process began in December 2020 with a focus on the Bahia State.
See here to learn about The Brazilian Forests Dialogue and their role in leading multi-stakeholder dialogue throughout the country including the LUD initiative.