TFD’s Dialogue on Tools for Small Landowners

Collectively, small/family forest landowners are responsible for the care and
management of the majority of forestland in Europe, North American as well as the
intensively managed planted forest development in the “global south”. If combined
with forestland under the tenure/control/management of local communities, this
sector is responsible for the majority of the world’s forests and potentially a significant
source of fiber. For The Forests Dialogue, this landowner sector must be in the
forefront of our consideration when discussing sustainable forest management (SFM)
However, with the notable exception of a number of well coordinated and engaged
groups (Confederation of European Private Forest Owners, American Tree Farm
System, etc). and cooperatives acting on regional and local level, this sector tends to
be heterogeneous and beyond the reach of most conventional mechanisms to promote
and recognize sustainable forest management. The promotion of practical SFM in
developing countries where the additional problems of land tenure, lack of skills and
scarcity of resources and infrastructure are often limiting factors is of particular
relevance to the global industry and society.
The timing appears to be right for TFD to bring together the leading actors that are
working to engage this sector of the forest based industry to identify the barriers to
expansion of SFM and it’s recognition to small holders and discuss the successful
means to influence this sector and the tools that are needed to insure sound
management and equal market access.

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