Background Paper: REDD+ Benefit Sharing Dialogue in Mexico
The objectives of this paper are (a) to explain the current state of the discourse, design and implementation of the benefit sharing schemes for REDD+ in Mexico and (b) to present an overview of particular issues associated with benefit sharing under national or jurisdictional (i.e. state-level) REDD+, including the question of equity and pro-poor benefit sharing, with a view to identifying the challenges involved in this. The purpose is to produce reference material for the participants in The Forests Dialogue (TFD)’s field dialogue on REDD+ Benefit Sharing, which will take place in Mexico 2-5th June 2014. It aims to provide common ground for the participants in understanding current discussions on benefit sharing and challenges in Mexico for developing/supporting benefit sharing schemes that are effective in environmental terms, efficient in economic terms, legitimate in political terms and pro-poor and equitable in gender and social terms. Considering the outcomes of the dialogue a revised version of the paper describing the Mexican context on benefit sharing in REDD+ will be prepared.