Yvonne Shih
Yvonne Shih
Yvonne has spent the majority of her life so far in Florida where she started her environmental journey. Florida provided a wealth of opportunities to further her engagement through work doing sea turtle conservation, experience of hurricanes and red tide, and research on Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) at the University of Florida where she received her B.S. in Biology and minor in Sociology. From Florida, Yvonne found herself in Washington, DC working for the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service where she gained a breadth of knowledge on national forest related research and development. Currently, Yvonne is starting her first year at Yale School of the Environment as a Master of Environmental Management candidate exploring the socio‐ecological and human health impacts of forest restoration. In the future, Yvonne hopes she can work at the intersections of community engagement, urbanization, and restoration at a national or global level. At TFD, Yvonne has been involved in the Land Use Dialogue Initiative; the Forest and Climate Initiative; the release of the 20th Anniversary TFD Book, TFD Guide, and LUD Guide; and starting the TFD Alumni Community.