Field Dialogue on REDD Readiness in Ghana
16 November 2009 to 19 November 2009

The second REDD Readiness Field dialogue was held in Busua, Ghana from November 16th to November 19th, 2009. The dialogue attracted a wide spectrum of local stakeholder groups and international participants from countries including Ghana, Uganda, Cameroon, Liberia, Kenya, Indonesia, Guatemala, Guyana, Nepal, Brazil, USA, Switzerland, Norway and United Kingdom. Participants visited a landscape located in Wassa Amenfi West District on the first two days and exchanged their learning and experiences regarding getting REDD ready in their own countries in a plenary and working group setting in the next two days.
The dialogue is co-organized by IUCN Regional Office and sponsored by Norwegian Agency for Cooperation and Development (Norad).
Dialogue Sponsors: