Restoration Scoping Dialogue

31 January 2023 to 1 February 2023

The Forests Dialogue (TFD) convened a scoping dialogue for the Ecosystem Restoration Initiative on January 31st, and February 1st, 2023. The conversation was focused on the role of the forest sector in ecosystem restoration, in particular forest-based companies in collaboration with other stakeholders and in the context of their roles, rights, and contributions. 

More than 20 leaders representing stakeholder groups including private forest sector, NGO, academia, investment and intergovernmental organizations came together for the scoping dialogue.

The objectives were to:

1) Build a collective understanding of stakeholder perspectives and concerns; knowledge and research gaps; and priorities related to the forest sector’s roles in ecosystem restoration.

2) Identify areas of agreement, disagreement, and fracture lines.

2) Contribute to removing barriers and scaling up ecosystem restoration collaboration globally.

3) Scope opportunities for dialogue to drive change and foster learnings in specific locations through field dialogues and at global and regional levels.