Scoping Dialogue on Intensively Managed Planted Forests 2

TFD conducted an Intensively Managed Planted Forests II (IMPF2) Scoping Dialogue in Durban, South Africa from 4-5 September, 2015. The purpose of this dialogue was to assess the changes in IMPF issues over the past 10 years, to identify key areas of agreement and disagreement, and the potential role and focus of any subsequent TFD engagement. The 27 participants at the Scoping Dialogue represented a diversity of interests including forest sector corporations, other forest owners, and non-government and civil society organizations. The dialogue covered a wide scope of questions and issues about the development of IMPFs, including how to examine them through the lenses of sustainable development and the landscape approach, and how to transform the dialogue’s identity to represent the diversity of perspectives on the continuum of forest and plantation types and their contribution to sustainability. This dialogue was hosted by TFD and WBCSD.