Bioenergy from Forests Scoping Dialogue
27 February 2024

Steven Ring
Co-Chairs' Summary

Background Paper



Dialogue Photos Forests Dialogue (TFD) convened a Scoping Dialogue for the Bioenergy from Forests Initiative on February 27th, 2024 in New Haven, Connecticut. The dialogue focused on areas of alignment and fracture lines related to Bioenergy from Forests (BEF), as well as potential paths forward for the initiative.
The dialogue brought together 28 individuals representing stakeholder groups with diverse entry points to BEF including those from Private Industry, NGOs, Indigenous Peoples, Youth, and Academia.
Participants came together to discuss and address the following objectives:
- Build a collective understanding of stakeholder’s perspectives, concerns, and priorities related to Bioenergy from Forests.
- Identify areas of disagreement and agreement related to Bioenergy from Forests, especially as these issues relate to forests and land use.
- Explore the question, if Bioenergy from Forests, when, where and under what conditions?
- Co-create an actionable plan that presents a path forward to explore issues identified and prioritized by dialogue participants.