TFD REDD Financial Mechanisms Dialogue Concept Paper

For REDD to be successful, a robust and dynamic financing scheme needs to be
designed, negotiated and implemented. There are many financial schemes
suggested for REDD so far including market mechanisms and fund-based
systems. But there is a lack of understanding of and communications about those
mechanisms among key stakeholders, which has created a big obstacle for REDD
to move forward for the post-2012 regime.
Given its strength in engaging stakeholders in constructive dialogues on forest
issues and its international outreach, The Forests Dialogue (TFD) has been
approached by UNFCCC’s AWG-LCA to develop a clear understanding of current
financial mechanisms for forest carbon and to forge synergy among forest sector,
financial sector and indigenous people on the most favorable options. To achieve
this, TFD will organize three two-day dialogues on REDD mechanisms, which will
be convened during UNFF 8, AWG-LCA 6 and AWG-LCA 7 respectively.