Field Dialogue on FPIC in Indonesia

TFD convened a four day field dialogue on FPIC in Pekanbaru, Riau Province on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. The dialogue brought together over 80 participants from a great variety of backgrounds including indigenous peoples, representatives of local communities, non-governmental organizations, international financial institutions, government agencies and the private sector. The meeting was the first in a planned series of field dialogues that aim to explore how, in practice, government agencies, commercial enterprises and non-government organizations should respect the right of indigenous peoples and local communities to give or withhold their free, prior and informed consent, as expressed through their own freely chosen representative organizations, to activities that may affect their rights.
The dialogue consisted of field visits with local communities and forest enterprises and a discussion among participants representing forest-dependent communities, forest industry, academia, government, and NGOs among others.
The dialogue was hosted by The Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia - Kemitraan in collaboration with the Forest Peoples Programme and Scale-Up.