Mangai Landscape Land Use Dialogue
31 May 2019 to 4 June 2019

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The National Scoping Dialogue was followed by a Land Use Dialogue in Mangai Landscape held 31st of May to the 4th of June 2019. The dialogue aimed to use landscape challenges as an entry point for stakeholders to discuss and address the identified restoration challenges. Dialogue participants identified the following ways forward.
- Hold technical training on agroforestry and reforestation projects;
- Build on GWG to partner across sectors to address agricultural methods, soil degradation, and river bank erosion;
- Increase community awareness on land tenure, conservation area boundaries and limits to use, climate change, conservation and sustainable management of natural resources;
- Support research on regeneration of native plant species;
- Support an integrated an particpatory approach in the Forest Landscape Restoration Opportunity Assessment methodology (ROAM);
- Facilitate inclusive community owenership and active participation of all stakeholders in the use of the natural resources;
- Compile and share information within and beyond the multi-stakeholder platform to illustrate the concerns and priorities of stakeholders;
- The next step is to hold sectorial mini-dialogues on key issues identified in the LUD.
Dialogue Sponsors: