Field Dialogue on REDD+ Benefit Sharing in Peru

24 February 2014 to 28 February 2014
Field Dialogue on REDD+ Benefit Sharing in Peru

Building on the learning process from previous REDD+ Benefit Sharing dialogues, the Peru Dialogue offered a platform to take stock of the current status of benefit sharing in Peru, share these experiences with other REDD+ countries, and identify key ways forward towards equitable, effective and efficient REDD+ benefit sharing, both in Peru and internationally.

Participants spent two days visiting two different field sites where they discussed  how benefit sharing mechanisms are designed and implemented with local communities, researchers, companies and government representatives. Based on the field trip experience as well as a background paper that introduced the context of Benefit Sharing discussions in Peru, dialogue participants took part in two days of facilitated discussions in both plenary and small groups. 

The REDD+ Benefit Sharing Dialogue in Peru was funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety’s International Climate Initiative and co-organized with AIDER, Conservation International, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Photos from the dialogue can be found here.

Dialogue Sponsors: