REDD+ Benefit Sharing

TFD continues to focus on climate change by bringing key leaders together to explore REDD+ Benefit Sharing. For REDD+ to be effective, a benefit-distribution system is needed to incentivize stakeholders, in particular the forest-dependent poor, to participate in REDD+. But a range of critical questions remain on the nature of such a system. Based on the learning from TFDs preceding dialogues on REDD+ Readiness, TFD and IUCN conducted a series of dialogues in 2013 and 2014 to investigate how to build effective, efficient and fair Benefit Sharing Mechanisms for REDD+.
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This Country Report aims to encourage reflections and discussions surrounding the subject of REDD+ benefit sharing in Peru.

In partnership with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), The Forests Dialogue (TFD) organized a series of inte
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