
13 April 2014
Building on the learning process from previous REDD+ Benefit Sharing dialogues, the Peru Dialogue offered a platform to take stock of the current status of benefit sharing in Peru, share these experiences with other REDD+ countries, and identify key ways forward towards equitable, effective and efficient REDD+ benefit sharing, both in Peru and internationally.
14 March 2014
The Forests Dialogue is happy to welcome seven new members to our Steering Committee who exemplify diversity, expertise and leadership. Rod Taylor Director of WWF International’s Forests Programme and a current co-leader of the TFD Steering Committee states, “The new members of the Steering Committee bring enormous talent and experience to TFD as well as representing a diversity of stakeholders. I look forward to learning from them.”
20 December 2013
Following two previous GMTs “Scoping” Dialogues that revealed polarized views about GMTs, participants proposed to convene a small information-sharing meeting to elucidate key forest product industry policies and plans as they relate to current and future development of GMTs. In England, 15 participants from civil society organizations, intergovernmental organizations, indigenous peoples’ organizations and the forest products industry convened to discuss these issues.
13 December 2013
Building on the learning process from previous REDD+ Benefit Sharing dialogues, the Ghana Dialogue offered a platform to take stock of the current status of benefit sharing in Ghana, share these experiences with other REDD+ countries, and identify key ways forward towards equitable, effective and efficient REDD+ benefit sharing, both in Ghana and internationally.
2 December 2013
On October 22-23, 2013, The Forests Dialogue led a workshop at the World Bank to facilitate learning between private sector actors and World Bank technical staff on some of the best tools and mechanisms by which FPIC can be achieved.
18 November 2013
Vietnam was chosen as the first field dialogue country given its extensive experiences with benefit distribution in the forest sector and the advanced thinking on how to link those experiences with REDD+ Benefit Sharing at national and sub-national levels.
ILCF Guide to Investing in Locally Controlled Forestry
4 October 2013
Ahora disponible en español: Guía para Inversionistas en Bosques Localmente Controlados