
2 December 2014
LIMA, Perú, 2 de diciembre de 2014 –La distribución de beneficios de REDD+ tiene que diseñarse con las comunidades dependientes de los bosques en mente, recomienda el nuevo informe publicado por El Diálogo sobre Bosques (TFD), en asociación con la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN).  La implicación de las comunidades dependientes de los bosques en el diseño y la distribución de beneficios de REDD+ puede propiciar usos de la tierr
10 November 2014
Does “deforestation-free” mean the same thing to a small-holder farmer in Indonesia as to the head of procurement in a U.S.-based multinational corporation or to the government of a forest-rich developing country? How might policies set by international organizations engage local stakeholders in customized solutions? What are the key performance indicators, and how will these be verified? 
Review highlights from 1st-ever gathering in New Haven focused on understanding deforestation free
7 November 2014
During the last week of October, The Forests Dialogue organized TFD Week at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies to examine questions about “Deforestation-Free” and related topics. Kicking the week off, TFD convened a two-day dialogue in which representatives of about 35 companies, inter-governmental organizations, NGOs, and civil society groups collaborated to pinpoint the fracture lines that will need to be resolved if zero deforestation commitments are to succeed in reducing deforestation.
1 September 2014
An international Dialogue on Food, Fuel, Fiber and Forests (4Fs) took place in Finland on 2-5 September. International forest sector leaders were familiarized with the Finnish forest sector and they discussed the co-ordination of various stakeholders’ land use needs, ecosystem services and the bioeconomy.
13 June 2014
Chetumal, Mexico | June 2 - 5  The Forests Dialogue’s REDD+ Benefit Sharing Field Dialogue in Mexico recently concluded. Participants spent two days visiting different field sites where they discussed  how benefit sharing mechanisms are designed and implemented with local communities, researchers, companies and government representatives.
16 May 2014
Jakarta, Indonesia | May 5 - The Forests Dialogue held a Mini-Dialogue at the Forests Asia Summit titled,  Dialogue on Changing Outlooks for Food, Fuel, Fiber and Forests (4Fs) in Indonesia - The case of Central Kalimantan. The increasing global demand for food, biofuel and fiber is impacting on many landscapes, often threatening the other valu
14 April 2014
This Company Questionnaire on the Development of Genetically Modified Trees represents the compilation of five global forest products companies’ (Fibria, Stora Enso, International Paper, Meadwestvaco, Suzano) responses to a 1st questionnaire on issues related to the development of genetically modified trees (GMT). The questionnaire highlights some of the main questions some civil society organisations (CSO) and some indigenous peoples’ organisations (IPO) have for the forest products industry regarding their support for and development of GMTs.